Monday, February 23, 2015

RTFM (non-technical)

Short one here.

GUYS.  One thing I forgot to mention is this car came with some QUALITY manuals.   LOOK AT THIS. Click and enlarge it.  Look at the covers, the grease stains, you can practically smell the history and detail on every aspect of all ford cars.
Friggin Shop Manuals
This isn't your Haynes manual; this is some real-details shit.   What?  What's wrong with Haynes you ask?  I'll tell you.  My luck with every single Haynes manual can be summed up in a few pictures.

Oh sweet, I found my car I think. Hmm...I guess this fits my car, it is within that year span...

Let's say I'm looking for a simple diagram of my specific car:
What I'm looking for....

What Haynes would show:
Example excerpt from Haynes:
"To remove the fuel pump, remove the two hyper drive bolts.(wait what - that's not even from this year) On earlier models, they will look sort of round and has some edges on it. (yeah - that's describes EVERYTHING).  Use the stock socket size to loosen them up. (WHAT SIZE - WHAT IS STOCK? YOU TELL ME!!)  Oh, before you remove the bolt completely, make sure you do step x from figure 1.B otherwise it will damage the pump. (NOOOOOO!) "

Well these REAL manuals don't play that game.

I mean, check this out:
What you see is a section specially on my engine type.  The 429/460.  This book has a detailed section on all of Ford's engine styles.

And most important of all: IT HAS PICTURES.  ACCURATE PICTURES.  YES.

Kay.  Done with that - update this sunday when I finish making my first ever fuel line.
-Mike  (yeah, I guess I should sign the end?  What's proper blog-form for this?)